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Romans 1:16-17 (TPT) I refuse to be ashamed of sharing the wonderful message of God’s liberating power unleashed in us through Christ! For I am thrilled to preach that everyone who believes is saved—the Jew first, and then people everywhere! This gospel unveils a continual revelation of God’s righteousness—a perfect righteousness given to us when we believe. And it moves us from receiving life through faith, to the power of living by faith. This is what the Scripture means when it says: “We are right with God through life-giving faith!”

Have you ever been around someone who just met the love of their life? Or maybe had a teenager who was "boy-crazy" or "girl-crazy" and every time you see them they would go on and on about this most amazing person they have ever met… until they were let down because they weren't given enough attention? Finding someone who thinks you are wonderful and appreciates and adores you is an amazing feeling. The great news is, even for someone who is single, there is such a love - a greater love.

Jesus is identified as our Bridegroom and He has an unfailing love for each one of us. He gives us the attention we desire, the love we need, the respect we want and a hope for better things to come. When you really fall in love with Jesus, you will be unashamed of this love. You will share this Good News with everyone because His love is available to all! It's like having a baby and you meet this little bundle of joy that you have long awaited for, now the baby has arrived and you want to show everyone, even strangers, your beautiful baby that you adore.

When you allow Jesus to take over your life you will be surprised - the things that once brought you joy, become unthinkable. The desires you had and plans you had will likely cease because He will fill your heart with new desires - desires that are eternally minded with completely unselfish motives. This is living: doing something for someone who can never repay you; living a life of joy that Jesus died for you to have truly is a life of freedom - no longer bound to sin and shame but loving others and helping them find their way all in Jesus name.

Isaiah 62:3-5 (TLB) He will hold you aloft in his hands for all to see—a splendid crown for the King of kings. Never again shall you be called “The God-forsaken Land” or the “Land That God Forgot.” Your new name will be “The Land of God’s Delight” and “The Bride,” for the Lord delights in you and will claim you as his own. Your children will care for you, O Jerusalem, with joy like that of a young man who marries a virgin; and God will rejoice over you as a bridegroom with his bride.

Galatians 5:13 (TLB) For, dear brothers, you have been given freedom: not freedom to do wrong, but freedom to love and serve each other.

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