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Going to the Next Level

As I was riding my bike through our community, I was amazed at all of the construction going on. On one street alone there were several foundations that had either been poured or were prepared to be. As you begin the process of building a house, there’s much excitement about what the future holds. Although this step shows much promise, it’s doesn’t guarantee the finished product....

There are so many who receive Christ and though they too are very excited about what the future holds, the pressures of life, temptations, or busyness can come in and abort the process. Just as there’s much work involved with building, it is also true of the growing process.

Don’t be satisfied with a foundation that brings no warmth, shelter or protection. There’s so much that God desires to do in your life, but it requires commitment, and discipline. Repenting of your sins and receiving Christ as your Lord and Savior is the fundamental part of your foundation but you can’t stop there! You must become hungry to know the God you now serve and find out what He desires and requires of you. As you grow in your knowledge of His Word and incorporate prayer and worship into your building journey, He’ll begin to reveal areas that require change, directions that are necessary to know His plans for your life and the power to fulfill your personal calling!

There are so many Christians that have never felt fulfilled in their spiritual life. That’s because they never took their relationship with Jesus to the next level. Don’t stop at salvation! That’s just the introduction to the greatest relationship you’ll ever know!

As I sit here, by this lake, writing this devotion, these ducks came running toward me. I soon realized someone had dropped seeds all around the bench I was sitting on. As they frantically ate, they were not intimidated by me in any way. At one point I had to move my feet so they could eat what was under them. They weren’t going to let anything stop them from getting what they wanted. The Lord showed me that’s the tenacity He desires to see in His children. A passionate hunger for all they can get spiritually!

Get hungry! Commit to prioritize and set daily time aside for the one who gave His life for you! It’s time to go to the next level!

1 Peter 2-3 (TPT) In the same way that nursing infants cry for milk, you must intensely crave the pure spiritual milk of God’s Word. For this “milk” will cause you to grow into maturity, fully nourished and strong for life especially now that you have had a taste of the goodness of Yahweh and have experienced his kindness.

Matthew 7:24-27 (TPT) “Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation. When the rains fell and the flood came, with fierce winds beating upon his house, it stood firm because of its strong foundation. “But everyone who hears my teaching and does not apply it to his life can be compared to a foolish man who built his house on sand. When it rained and rained and the flood came, with wind and waves beating upon his house, it collapsed and was swept away.”

Psalm 119:9-16 (TPT) How can a young man stay pure? Only by living in the Word of God and walking in its truth. I have longed for you with the passion of my heart; don’t let me stray from your directions! I consider your Word to be my greatest treasure, and I treasure it in my heart to keep me from committing sin’s treason against you. My wonderful God, you are to be praised above all; teach me the power of your decrees! I speak continually of your laws as I recite out loud your counsel to me. I find more joy in following what you tell me to do than in chasing after all the wealth of the world. I set my heart on your precepts and pay close attention to all your ways. My delight is found in all your laws, and I won’t forget to walk in your words.

Matthew 5:6 (NKJV) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

1 Timothy 4:14-16 (TPT) Don’t minimize the powerful gift that operates in your life, for it was imparted to you by the laying on of hands of the elders and was activated through the prophecy they spoke over you. Make all of this your constant meditation and make it real with your life so everyone can see that you are moving forward. Give careful attention to your spiritual life and every cherished truth you teach, for living what you preach will release salvation inside you and to all those who listen to you.


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