Following His Lead

For the past 8 days I've been posting devotions on being thankful and trusting God. For the past 8 days my husband and I have been struggling miserably with Covid. I don't tell you that for sympathy, but just to make a point that our affections toward God and our trust in His plans for our lives should never be based on circumstances. We must develop a relationship with Jesus that brings us to complete trust in His sovereign plan for our lives.
Most of you know that the Lord used a series of events to move us to Florida and 2 weeks before my husband was to start his new job here, the government contract was canceled. Now I'm here and he's still living in St. Louis. Did we miss God? Absolutely not! He made the path so clear that there was no other choice, but to move forward in it. As many of you, we are simply going through a time of testing and growing. There are always tests that must be passed before every promotion.
As we've been praying and believing for doors to open here in Florida, I finally, after sending out multiple applications for the field I've worked in for over 30 years, got a message for an interview. Woot woot, that's great right!!?? Well, not so much if you currently have Covid! Lol! If my trust was in my ability to make things happen on our behalf I'd be devastated, but since all of my reliance is on God and His ability to miraculously open doors in His perfect timing, I can rest in the assurance that He's in control. If this is the job He has for me, as long as my faith remains intact, no power in hell can keep me from getting it and if it's not...I don't want it anyway! This Christian life isn't about fitting God into our plans and asking Him to bless them. It's about surrendering all and walking out His will for our lives.
Do you understand how much pressure to produce that takes off of our shoulders? My only concern is that I remain close enough to Him to hear His heart in every matter. I don't want to miss a word of what He's trying to tell me or where He's directing me. Stop trying to figure it all out, that only brings stress and fear. There's a much bigger picture than what you can see at this time. Focusing on the small details and negative circumstances will blind you from the blessing that's ahead!
Sick with Covid or not, we are truly blessed and looking forward to what's ahead! We serve a wonderful God that has everything under control! We just have to follow His lead!
John 12:25-26 (TPT) “The person who loves his life and pampers himself will miss true life! But the one who detaches his life from this world and abandons himself to Me, will find true life and enjoy it forever!If you want to be My disciple, follow Me and you will go where I am going. And if you truly follow me as my disciple, the Father will shower His favor upon your life.
Deuteronomy 31:8 (NKJV) And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.
Mark 8:34 (NKJV) When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”