Let Faith Rise Up

What is the foundation of your faith? Do you believe that Jesus really is the Truth? Do you think truth changes with time as our culture changes? If so, then what is the foundation of truth if it is fluid rather than firm, steady, and immovable? We must find our one Truth - Jesus Christ - and stand firm on Him. He is our core value - all-encompassing Jesus. Even though people change, fashions change, economies change, leaders change, businesses change, theories change - our God, our Creator - remains the same. He is our solid rock that we must go to when faced with questions we cannot answer alone.
The Bible is not a text left behind for manipulation - changing with the ebbs and flows of our feelings. It is a road map for life! One acronym for Bible I heard years ago really stuck with me: Basic Information Before Leaving Earth. Isn't that the truth? I am so thankful for His Word and grateful we have so many translations & access to the Greek + Hebrew text to aid us in understanding but I want to ensure we all keep a daily relationship with God a priority.
Hearing directly from His still small voice is unmatched. He will guide us and grant us peace through any storm we face as we trust in and rely on Him. Jesus performed many miracles while He walked the earth but now that we have the Holy Spirit - we can all operate as the hands and feet of Christ simultaneously - creating unity in the Body of Christ, doing greater works and stirring a passion among new believers to live out their God-given destiny. All of us are called and purposed to grow The Kingdom, but sadly many are too busy growing their own kingdom. Let's seek His face every day - morning, noon and night - every chance we have to grab 60 seconds thanking Him and honoring Him is time well spent. He is only requesting that we believe…Let your faith rise!
Mark 16:17-18 (TLB) “And those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages. They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”