When I think of being blessed, I think about being healthy, having loved ones who are genuine, having an amazing Savoir that died for me, having a life full of peace and joy, not worrying about the struggles of this life but pushing on and helping others along the way. Being able to give is a blessing, being involved in church is a blessing, having a great husband and 3 kids is a blessing… I think you get my point. What doesn't come to mind when I think about being blessed is having people persecute me and lie about me. I can say with confidence that when these things happen, I do not say to Josh, "this is amazing, these people are lying about us, how blessed are we?!"
I will say that over the years the sting is not so bad, the reason is I've learned these attacks are straight from the devil and he will use anyone who is not strong in their faith or who doesn't have faith, to come against us. It will always be the plan of the enemy to destroy marriages, churches, families, anything that God has His hand on is a threat to the enemy. If I am never attacked for Christ's sake, then I am not doing my job. I am here for one purpose, to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and not everyone wants to hear about His amazing love and sacrifice. People aren't always ready to confront their sins and change their ways, they don't want to give up what "feels good" to them. They want someone to come along and tell them it's okay to continue living in sin and that God will love them no matter what.
Well of course God loves you no matter what, that doesn't mean you will inherit heaven! Just like a parent on earth will always love their children, if their kids are not obedient and they are out of control and never listen, we would be complete fools to give them a paid car, a paid ride to college, a paid off house, etc. Our love doesn't change for them, but what they receive will. We must have the courage to tell people the truth in love. God will always love you but sin will never be okay. When we do sin, we must be quick to repent and also quick to forgive others, especially those who have hurt us the worst.
So I encourage you today, when lies are being told about you, when persecution comes, consider yourself blessed because you will have opposition when you are living for Jesus. The great news is, God will be on your side and He who lives in you is greater than he who lives in the world. Stay firm in your faith and press on to victory, God will get all of the glory!
Matthew 5:11-12 (VOICE) And blessed are you, blessed are all of you, when people persecute you or denigrate you or despise you or tell lies about you on My account. But when this happens, rejoice. Be glad. Remember that God’s prophets have been persecuted in the past. And know that in heaven, you have a great reward.
James 1:2-5 (VOICE) Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line—mature, complete, and wanting nothing. If you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking.