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Breathe Life into Me, Again

Psalm 119:159-160 (TPT) Lord, see how much I truly love your instructions. So in your tender kindness, breathe life into me again. The sum total of all your words adds up to absolute truth, and every one of your righteous decrees is everlasting.

Breathe life into me again, what a wonderful verse to hold onto when we begin feeling overwhelmed! Having so many things to do and places to go throughout our week can feel daunting if we aren’t holding onto the promises of God as we go through each day. Learning to go one day at a time, one meeting at a time, one project at a time is a lifelong lesson for everyone.

Remaining full of peace is priceless. God’s word is our breath of fresh air through every season. Seasons of highs and seasons of lows; political unrest and worlds of chaos - God remains the same! His Word is Truth and it never changes, unlike the world around us, we have our constant in Christ.

Let’s continue loving His instructions because they are for our benefit, keeping His promises near to our hearts so we may prove ourselves faithful, be a blessing to those around us and remain focused on the cause of Christ. We know that He is always with us and we have the Holy Spirit to guide us, leading us into the path of righteousness as we walk in obedience to Him. Isn't He wonderful? Start today right, study His Word. Father, breathe life into us, again. Selah.

Joshua 1:8 (NLT) Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

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