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Welcome to our daily devotions!

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Pastor Bethany

Pastor Bethany was saved at 20 years old when attending church for the first time. Her destructive lifestyle quickly changed as she had a great hunger for God. She and Pastor Josh started Redemption in 2012 with a heart for the lost. Her book, Spirit Come, is now available on our website and through Amazon. She and Josh have been married since 2007 and have 3 children, Josh, Malachi, & Chloe.


Martine Gray

Martine has been serving the Lord since age 11. She's the mother of Pastor Josh and a spiritual mother of Redemption. Her book, Intimacy in the Secret Place is now available on our website and Amazon. You can read more devotions on her Daily Devotion Facebook page, The Secret Place. She has been married to Rick for over 40 years and have recently made Florida their home.


Tom Bazow

Tom is a faithful leader at Redemption and is an author with 4 published Christian fictional books including Persecution of the Saints and Gedden's Armor. He has more writings in the works. His books can be found on Amazon. He and his wife Warrine have been married over 25 years and have 2 daughters, Hannah & Molly.

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