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A Time of Refreshing

Acts 3:19-20 (NLT) Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah.

Are you worn out from the repetition of life? The mundane and never ending list of chores, work, eat, sleep and so forth… Does your prayer time feel boring and unaccomplished? These are things we can all experience during our journey with God. There may be seasons when you feel like you aren't hearing God and your mind won't shut off long enough to be still and wait before Him. There is always something we can learn during our dry times and we can be certain that there will be a time of refilling and refreshing around the corner. Our job during this process is to remain faithful, continue showing up to pray and meditate on the scriptures, thank God for what He has already done for you because if He never does another thing, the cross was enough!

We must come to God in repentance, humble ourselves and ask for Him to send a fresh fire on our hearts that will burn within so we may be fueled up for sharing the gospel, telling our testimony, finding joy in the midst of chaos and learning to trust Him even more with our lives. This is when we experience the presence of the Lord and become refreshed.

We need to learn to give more of ourselves so we may be used to do more for God. Really, that is why we are here - to do great exploits for Jesus and bring as many people to Heaven as we can. Loving others the way Christ so wonderfully loves us even in the midst of their sin and bad behaviors. If you are feeling overwhelmed, cry out to Abba Father and imagine Him being right there with you and allow Him to comfort you for you have the spirit of the living God on the inside of you and nothing is impossible with God! Whatever you are going through is not too hard for Jesus - the one who defeated death and the grave - come to Him, He is always there waiting for you.

Daniel 11:32 (NKJV) Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.

Today I want to leave you with the beginning lyrics of "O Come to the Altar" by Elevation Worship.

Are you hurting and broken within?

Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin?

Jesus is calling

Have you come to the end of yourself

Do you thirst for a drink from the well?

Jesus is calling

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