Wrecked by His Glory

I miss the mark so often! I read His Word and realize just how selfish my existence has been. So much wasted time! As I rush to fulfill my own agenda and routine, there’s been missed opportunities to zone in to what the Spirit is saying…who around me needs Jesus today? Who is hurting and at the end of their rope? We must live on mission, always looking around with our spiritual eyes, prepared to share the hope of the Gospel and the amazing love of Jesus! Reading about the life of my brother Paul, I weep as his self sacrificial life is illuminated to me. He was willing to suffer in any way as long as it furthered the Gospel…and it did…through centuries, continents, languages and it made it all the way to me…
2 Corinthians 11:25-28 (TPT) Three times I experienced being beaten with rods. Once they stoned me. Three times I’ve been shipwrecked; for an entire night and a day I was adrift in the open sea. In my difficult travels I’ve faced many dangerous situations: perilous rivers, robbers, foreigners, and even my own people. I’ve survived deadly peril in the city, in the wilderness, with storms at sea, and with spies posing as believers. I’ve toiled to the point of exhaustion and gone through many sleepless nights. I’ve frequently been deprived of food and water, left hungry and shivering out in the cold, lacking proper clothing.And besides these painful circumstances, I have the daily pressure of my responsibility for all the churches, with a deep concern weighing heavily on my heart for their welfare. Did he complain…? Did he run from the calling, get angry at God or say it’s just not fair or too much? No! He continued to fearlessly obey no matter what the cost and worshipped regardless of the pain or circumstances. 2 Corinthians 11:30-31 (TPT) If boasting is necessary, I will boast about examples of my weakness. The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, who is eternally praised, knows that I am speaking the truth. How often have I asked Him to remove me from painful situations for my own comfort? Oh the ease of living in our 4 walls of routine, trying to maneuver through life painlessly…not that that’s possible, but it’s our goal. Oh my my my my my… I can’t stop weeping. These scriptures…reading about the details of the storms, shipwrecks and imprisonments Paul willingly experienced, as I sit comfortably in my bedroom writing…I want to fearlessly and sacrificially face each day prepared to lay down my life for Christ as Paul ultimately did! What’s next God? What do you have for us!!?? Change us like only you can! You turned a Saul into a Paul! You turned a fearful Peter into a Spirit-filled, strong and fearless minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ against all opposition! Over and over in your Word you transformed and used the most unlikely! Make us strong and courageous, filled with boldness and the fresh fire of Your Holy Spirit! I don’t want to live for myself…I don’t want to be seen or recognized, I just want to be wrecked by Your glory and reflect You in the way that You deserve, no matter what the cost!!! I’m sorry, today’s devotion is self reflection and repentance…check your heart, there’s always more changes to be made, more growth to achieve and much more to surrender! If you think you’ve arrived then repent of your pride. There’s no limit with God. The glory of the Lord was so heavy and evident upon Peter that his very shadow was infused with the healing power of Jesus and ALL the sick, tormented and possessed that were brought to Him were healed! I don’t know about you, but I’m not there yet! There’s still much flesh to shed and more of His glory, power and anointing needed. We must make room for it by purging the dead weight. I’m ready! How about you? Acts 5:15-16 (NKJV) so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches, that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them. Also a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were ALL healed.