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Desire to Please God Alone

Psalm 19:14 (AMP) Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable and pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my [firm, immovable] rock and my Redeemer.

I have such a strong desire to please God and bless Him as He has blessed me way more than I deserve. As if the death of His innocent, only-child was not enough, He still gives me favor, increase, wisdom, peace, joy, salvation, direction, correction, love, healing, and the unrivaled presence of His Spirit. I want all that I do to glorify Him! In good seasons and bad seasons of my life, I pray that I would always praise Him for He is worthy of it all! There is nothing that can separate us from the love of the Father who created us, redeemed us, set us free and now desires to spend time with us.

NOTHING can stop this God-given mission to help change the world for His Name's sake. Are you on your mission? Have you accepted the call He has for your life? It will most likely not be what you initially desire, but oh that your desire to please Him would be greater than your desire to please yourself! Whatever your calling is, it is WAY better than you can expect. It will give you so much joy and peace knowing that you are doing exactly what you have been created to do! This world has nothing to offer you that is better - not money, not fame, not a perfect job - only God can give you true joy and satisfaction of your soul. No matter where you go on the earth, His presence is always with you. You can run from God, but you cannot hide from Him. He knows all, sees all, and desires ALL of you!

Will you step up to the calling on your life? Will you take this time today to make a vow to God and give Him more of you? You may need to do one step at a time, but keep on keeping on. Don't stop, don't give up, never quit; keep praying, keep believing, keep seeking, keep blessing others and you will make the enemy flee! The more the enemy tries to take from you and attack you, the more you do to bless Jesus and spread the good news of the gospel and no weapon formed against you will prosper. For where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! You will be free from the enemy's guilt, shame and condemnation. Speak the Word over your life and follow through with ALL He has called you to do. No regrets, only life-lessons while we are here on earth. Share your testimony and glorify your Creator!

2 Corinthians 3:17 (AMP) Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom].


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