Grace, Love & Fellowship

2 Corinthians 13:14 (NLT) May the GRACE of the Lord Jesus Christ, the LOVE of God, and the FELLOWSHIP of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
As I was reading my Bible tonight, I read this scripture and could feel the power in it. It's so amazing how God provided everything we needed through the Trinity.
Think about these words:
GRACE: Greek: χάρις Transliteration: charis/ The divine influence upon the heart and its reflection in the life; favour. A gift from the Father given through His Son, Jesus Christ. The enabling power and spiritual healing offered through His mercy and love. No one can enter the presence of God without His grace.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is His incredible favor that allows us access to the Father, through His shed blood. It's a divine influence upon our heart that softens it, so we can receive and seek after God. It's His power at work within, that enables us to will and do what He calls us to do. It's the call to Holiness that our flesh has opposed, yet our Spirit is hungering after.
Without the grace of Jesus we would never have received salvation nor dared approach the throne of God. It's His divine favour and acceptance just as you are, as He gives you the power and ability to become who He's called you to be. It's the God given power and desire to do HIS will. Grace is not an excuse to sin, but a path to freedom from it.
LOVE: Agape; Greek ἀγάπη, agapē "the highest form of love, "the love of God for man and of man for God". Agape also means unconditional love which means that you love someone without expecting anything in return.
What can I say about the love of God? It's too wonderful for mere words and too magnificent to comprehend. It penetrates the hardest heart and transcends hatred and depravity. It's not limited by how good we are or what we deserve. God's love sacrificed His Son, even for those who murdered Him. It cannot be compared to any human's beyond our comprehension and the more we realize it, the more it draws us into His presence. When we get a glimpse of it, it's life changing. It sees past the ugliness of the soul, the sin, anger, pain and bitterness that has controlled a draws them, picks them up out of the gutter, cleanses, heals their wounds, embraces them, and invites them into His family.
There's nothing we wouldn't do for such incredible love and it's the very essence of who our God is... pure, unadulterated LOVE!
FELLOWSHIP: Greek: κοινωνία Transliteration: koinōnia partnership that is (literally) participation or (social) intercourse.
It's becoming one with the Holy Spirit. To fellowship with Him is to spend time sharing your heart, loving on Him, asking for His guidance and listening to His promptings. It's trading our "not enough" for His "more than enough". A complete surrender of our weaknesses and insecurities for His power, strength and anointing to fulfill the will of God on the earth. Following His lead and living our lives to fulfill His desires instead of our own. It's communing with Him as He expresses the heart of God to us and penetrates our limited understanding by removing our blinders and opening our eyes to who our God is and what His plans are for our lives.
Wow! As I'm writing this and allowing the Holy Spirit to share His heart concerning this scripture, I realize that our faith is all wrapped up in these simple words that Paul wrote. Grace, Love and Fellowship.
Repent and come to Jesus by the power of His amazing grace. Experience the Love of God as you fellowship with His Spirit. Everything for salvation, fulfillment, life, love, power, productivity, peace and joy is found in having Jesus in our heart, accepting His amazing grace, allowing it to work in our lives and cultivating an intimate relationship with Him.