Our Rescuer

Psalm 97:10-11 (AMP) You who love the Lord, hate evil; He protects the souls of His godly ones (believers), He rescues them from the hand of the wicked. Light is sown [like seed] for the righteous and illuminates their path, and [irrepressible] joy [is spread] for the upright in heart [who delight in His favor and protection].
God is our rescuer - He has forcibly taken us from the custody of the wicked. He has sown seeds of light for us and has given us an unspeakable joy. For those who delight in God's favor and protection these things are true. Favor can sound strange to one who is not familiar with the scriptures or has never heard favor preached - but God will give you favor! Noah found favor and grace in the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6:8 AMP) Proverbs teaches us to find favor in the sight of God and man (3:4 AMP).
God is our protector - He is protecting our souls - is there any greater joy in knowing just that? That we don't have to be the ones worried and concerned about what might happen - we can trust in, rely on and know that God is our protector! He has angels all around for our benefit. As we continue to love God's ways and walk in obedience to Him, the more our seeds of light will flourish and we can be used to minister healing to those around us. We can be the one God uses to help rescue another soul from the wicked one. God has a great plan for His people, are we willing to obey and experience the joy of walking in our calling or sit back and watch as the world around us begins to crumble under fear and condemnation. Let's allow His Spirit to guide us to the place we were created to be.
Luke 1:30 (AMP) The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God."
Matthew 18:10 (NLV) Be sure you do not hate one of these little children. I tell you, they have angels who are always looking into the face of My Father in heaven.
Psalm 91:11 (AMP) For He will command His angels in regard to you, to protect and defend and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service].