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Psalm 20:24 (TPT) “But whether I live or die is not important, for I don’t esteem my life as indispensable. It’s more important for me to fulfill my destiny and to finish the ministry my Lord Jesus has assigned to me, which is to faithfully preach the wonderful news of God’s grace."

Year 57 of my life and 46 of those years were spent actively seeking Jesus. In the short years before I came to Christ, I experienced abuse and had already developed a bend for anger, rebellion and sin. I knew the results of unimaginable betrayal and how different it was from the glorious love of God that was experienced as I repented, gave Him my heart and the reigns to my life.

I can’t say the journey has always been easy, but I can unequivocally tell you that it’s been glorious!!! I’ve experienced the power and love of God in the darkest hours and most painful circumstances! I stand amazed at His goodness and all He’s done for me!! We have so many testimonies…that means we’ve been through some things. The amazing favor and blessings you see in our lives doesn’t mean we’ve been sheltered from trials and tribulations…oh…but we’ve come to know Him more intimately through every one!

Were it not for illness, I would have never known Him as my healer!! If it weren’t for marital problems, I would have never experienced Him as my Bride Groom and lover of my soul!! Then ultimately as the one who brought healing and reconciliation to our relationship! If it weren’t for financial distress, I would have never known Him as our provider!! If it weren’t for stress, anxiety and inner turmoil…I would have never known the source of my peace, joy and fulfillment!!! Oh, He’s EVERYTHING TO ME! Every attack of the enemy has backfired into the greatest testimonies!

Even for the short time that I experienced life without Jesus, I realize the stark difference of having Him always with me and the love, comfort, power, rest and peace I experience in His presence!!

Yes! A life with Jesus is glorious! From the most difficult situations to the happiest moments, we are never alone and realize we are in the hands of the one who sacrificed everything to give us freedom from the bondage of sin and for a relationship with us!! There’s no greater blessing than the sacrifice that Jesus made!!

So today, as I reflect…yeah…there’s things I could have done differently, but I no longer live a life of regret. I’ve had to repent many times, I’ve had much flesh to shed and going to deeper depths with Christ has been my primary desire. I still have a long way to go, but as long as I’m doing life hand and hand with Him, fully surrendered and following His lead, I just can’t go wrong! I love this life He’s chosen for me, the family He’s given me, ministry, friends, job, new church and even the location that He’s placed me in. I’m completely amazed at His goodness and excited to see His future plans unfold! I just want to remain in the center of His will!

Don’t live life with regret and condemnation. If you’ve sinned or turned away from God, repent and move on! God’s plans are bigger than your mistakes and it’s not over! As long as you have breath, you can use it to worship Him!!! If everything else was stripped away and all we had was Him, we’d still have the greatest reason to be thankful and give Him praise!!!

Psalm 150:6 (TPT) Let everyone everywhere join in the crescendo of ecstatic praise to Yahweh! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Psalm 106:1-5 (TPT) Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Everyone thank God, for he is good and easy to please. Your tender love for us, Lord, continues on forever. Who could ever fully describe your glorious miracles? Yahweh, who could ever praise you enough? The happiest one on earth is the one who keeps your word and clings to righteousness every moment. So remember me, Lord, as you take joy in your people. And when you come to bring the blessings of salvation, don’t forget me! Let me share in the wealth and beauty of all your devoted lovers, rejoice with your nation in all their joys, and let me share in the glory you give to your chosen ones.


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