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He Gives Us Strength

Isaiah 40:29-31 (TLB) He gives power to the tired and worn out, and strength to the weak. Even the youths shall be exhausted, and the young men will all give up. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

God is so wonderful that His greatest desire is to continue giving. As if giving His only Son to die for us wasn't enough, He continues to give and bless those who are obedient. Isaiah says that those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

I know for me, I can become worn out quite easily these days. My list of things to do has only grown over the years along with my list of responsibilities. There are days when I have so much to do that I can't even figure out where to begin. When everything seems to be fighting for priority my mind and emotions can be wiped out before my body even moves. I frequently remember a quote by Joyce Meyer that says, "don't dread doing anything!" Don't allow the pile of dishes to have power over you, I know it sounds ridiculous but that's really what we do to ourselves. We see the pile of laundry, the list of chores, the dinner to make and some days it's like, "God, just let the kids fast this week, please, I'm so tired!"

There is good news for us though, God will GIVE us strength. The devil would love for us to fall into the trap of laziness and comfort and not do anything for our family or our church or friends and most definitely never help those in need. Well, let's make each day a sad day in hell for Satan! Make up your mind and keep it set that you will not give up! You may be worn out but God is boosting your strength. You will rise with wings like eagles - I love the comparison to an eagle. Eagles have 4-5 times better eyesight than humans. I believe this verse is also saying we will be able to see more clearly as we rise to the top and crush the head of our enemy because up high we can see much more. We get the full grasp of what is really going on behind the scenes and we can make better decisions as we drop the weight of the world behind us. As we rise up and keep our clear focus on Jesus, we will have no problem fulfilling our God-given destiny to greatness for His kingdom. The more you let go of (stop trying to do so much yourself) the higher you will rise.

Psalm 103:1-5 (VOICE) O my soul, come, praise the Eternal with all that is in me—body, emotions, mind, and will—every part of who I am— praise His holy name. O my soul, come, praise the Eternal; sing a song from a grateful heart; sing and never forget all the good He has done. Despite all your many offenses, He forgives and releases you. More than any doctor, He heals your diseases. He reaches deep into the pit to deliver you from death. He crowns you with unfailing love and compassion like a king. When your soul is famished and withering, He fills you with good and beautiful things, satisfying you as long as you live. He makes you strong like an eagle, restoring your youth.

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