Have you ever wanted something so bad that it hurt... deep in your soul there was a yearning for the seemingly unattainable? My heart is crying out for fresh fire and deeper depths of God's glory. I feel there's something He's calling us to that we have yet to experience. His Spirit is drawing us to give up anything that distracts us from seeking Him. It's only those who will begin to pursue Him with fervor and passion that will experience what He's calling us to. It's burning in my heart and my prayer time is bathed in tears... seeking greater holiness and purity in my motives, thoughts and actions. It's not my glory or desires I want to see fulfilled, but His heart manifested in the heart of His children. There's something burning within me...I want to write about it, sing and talk about it, but I'm still waiting... still showing up... still enjoying His presence, love and favor...while I wait..
All I know is there's so much more that He desires to do on the earth to manifest His power, love and presence to a world that knows nothing of it. Unfortunately, much of the church has yet to see the signs and wonders Jesus talked about in the Bible. There's to be signs that follow the teaching of the Word of God, but there's a price to pay that has seemed too great for most. It will only be manifested through a humble, selfless and broken people who are completely dependent on Him. In a world filled with selfishness, this is not a popular ideology.
All I know is that I am not satisfied outside of total surrender and abiding in the center of His will. If you're like me and dissatisfied with your current spiritual condition... seeking more of Jesus and yearning to go deeper... pay the price... time sacrificed for Him alone... enough time to feel His Spirit envelop you and lead you into His paths of righteousness. Patiently waiting for an increased manifestation of His glory and the endowment of His power to reveal His love to the world! Don't give up! Keep showing up! He's about to do something great!!! It's so close I can taste it!
Lay everything else aside, it's time to seek and serve HIM! His Spirit it's calling and He's waiting...
Revelation 22:17 (KJV) And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is a thirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
Psalms 84:1-2 (NKJV) O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
Joel 2:28-29 (NKJV) “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
2 Corinthians 12:12 (TPT) The things that distinguish a true apostle were performed among you with great perseverance—supernatural signs, startling wonders, and awesome miracles.
Mark 16:17-20 (NKJV) And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Psalm 23:3 (NKJV) He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.