What's Up?

We are all on different paths. If you're reading this devotion, you are obviously hungry to draw closer to the Lord. So, what's up? Are you growing, moving forward in your faith, knowledge of His Word and in your relationship with Jesus? Seriously, what's up? Those are the words I keep hearing... what's stopping you and stunting your growth?
Let's face it, we all have the desire to be fully surrendered to Christ and used mightily for His Kingdom. Yet, the Word says that many are called but few are chosen. The Passion Translation puts Matthew 22:14 like this: For everyone is invited to enter in, but few respond in excellence.” Hmmm... why would that be? They are invited so they are called and if they are called God will equip them... The calling isn't based on the qualifications, but the qualifications follow the response in the form of the anointing. So, again what's up?
God has a plan for each of His children's lives, however small or big we may perceive that calling to be is irrelevant. The value is in the obedience. Putting one foot in front of the other and obeying Him each step of the way. There's no excuse that is acceptable. You have a divine destiny, and anything less will never fulfill you and certainly will not produce the fruit you were created to produce. There are lives that you are called to change. Is it hard? Of course, there's an adversary bent on diverting you every step of the way. But you were given both power and authority to defeat him on every level. You know what's harder? Disobedience...
Life cannot be lived simply to fulfill our own desires. We must be aware of the enemy's diversion tactics. Some are as simple as keeping us too busy and wore out to seek the face of God. From there comes all sorts of temptations that if surrendered to, will draw you further and further from His heart. Begin to search your heart and repent even for sins of omission. Let's face it, we all know how crucial it is to pray, worship and study the Word. It's our spiritual life force. Are you spending time with Him daily? If you do, are you increasing and drawing closer? He's calling us up higher, we must stand up and run forward!! If you aren't... what's up?
James 4:17 (KJV) Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Revelations 3:2-3 (NLT) Wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my God. Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and turn to me again. If you don’t wake up, I will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief.