The Path to Victory!

Two days from my last post and God has completely turned a very bad situation around! Actually there were multiple attacks at one time that had been building... you know how it is when they come from every direction. Once again, though I’m not surprised, I am as usual, completely amazed. The cool thing is, my heart became joyful before the blessing manifested. Though I felt like the overwhelming stress was more than I could handle, His mind blowing love became a buffer from the pain. I just love seeking God!
I know this seems trivial for many of you who are suffering great loss, betrayal and pain. I also know that such devastation can be experienced that your view of Jesus can become completely distorted and even blocked by darkness. Finding your way back to the light can seem almost impossible as the dark cloud surrounds you and holds you captive. It may not happen as immediate as the testimony I just wrote, but your deliverance will come if you’ll continually move in God’s direction. I get It. I’ve been there, I’ve been in a place where I was desperate for Jesus, but the chasm seemed too wide and my focus was glued to the problem. It quickly would pull me down to the abyss of despair.
Start with baby steps. Keep worship music playing as much as possible. At first you’ll barely hear the words. That’s ok, they are seeping in. Then pull out your Bible. Look up verses that directly correspond with your particular trial or maybe you just need to be reminded of how much Jesus loves and cares for you. Whatever you need is in the Word. Read a few scriptures... then read them again and again until they sink in. Then at that moment connect your heart with His. Pour it all out, tell Him how much you hurt and ask Him to reveal Himself right in the midst of your situation. Share your suffering then hand it over to Him. All of the pain and broken pieces. We have nothing to prove. He already knows everything about us and He’s just waiting for us to be real with Him. Then trust Him with the outcome and thank Him for it before it’s even manifested. Give Him praise! Not just for the answered prayers, but for who He is and what He’s already done for you! Then... even if nothing changes right away... you’ll recognize His presence and your faith will begin to grow as your trust is placed on the one who loves you enough to give His own life for your soul. There’s nothing He wouldn’t do for His beloved and YOU ARE HIS BELOVED!! Seek Him today!
1 Corinthians 15:57-58 (TPT) But we thank God for giving us the victory as conquerors through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. So now, beloved ones, stand firm and secure. Live your lives with an unshakable confidence. We know that we prosper and excel in every season by serving the Lord, because we are assured that our union with the Lord makes our labor productive with fruit that endures.
1 Peter 5:7 (TPT) Pour out all your worries and stress upon Him and leave them there, for He always tenderly cares for you.
Song of Solomon 2:10 (NKJV) My beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away.
Deuteronomy33:12 Of Benjamin he said: “The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him, Who shelters him all the day long; And he shall dwell between His shoulders.”
Psalm 34:1-6 (TPT) Lord! I’m bursting with joy over what you’ve done for me! My lips are full of perpetual praise.I’m boasting of you and all your works, so let all who are discouraged take heart. Join me, everyone! Let’s praise the Lord together. Let’s make him famous! Let’s make his name glorious to all. Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in my distress and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears! Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again. When I had nothing, desperate and defeated, I cried out to the Lord and he heard me,bringing his miracle-deliverance when I needed it most.