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About 6 weeks ago I was talking to the Lord and mentioned we needed more room for guests. We were inviting people over for Resurrection Sunday but were unable to invite all those we wanted due to size limitations. There are so many people here that we love that have no local family.

I reminded the Lord that His Word said He'd give us the desires of our heart. I then proceeded to tell Him that a larger house was not the desire of my heart... He was! My desire is to serve Him and bless Him with my thoughts and actions. To worship Him with all my heart and to know Him more intimately. To be used as a vessel of His power and love and see hearts touched and changed for His glory. But I added that though a larger house was not my heart's desires, having one would be a blessing, and I left it there. 

Two days later we drove past a display home on the other side of our community. Though we never go through displays we decided to run in and take a peek. As we walked through the door, I realized it was exactly the house I had asked for. I fully expected it to be out of our price range but though it was a new home and 500 square feet larger... it was the exact price of what we ultimately sold our house for.

That was all great, but we live on a pond with houses all around it. We didn't want to give that up. I asked the agent if they had any lots available on a pond. They did and we looked at it. Not only was it beautiful but there was only to be 4 houses on it with none on the opposite side. We immediately put our house on the market and prayed for God's will.

During this process there was one thing we were praying about... our new neighbors. You see, we love our neighbors and if we could take them all with us, we would. The sign goes up in our yard and the neighbor across the street texts my husband..."I see you're moving, so are we. Our house is going on the market soon." I told my husband ask him where they are going. The response, "Hammock Bay South." That's the same area we are moving to! Ask him what subdivision. "Starburst." That's where we are moving! Ask him what lot......."69"..... ours is 70!!!! How amazing is our God!!!?? He cares about every detail of our lives!

I found myself starting to really desire this house but ours wasn't selling. So, I took a step back and told the Lord, I give it all up if it's not His will. Though it all seemed perfect, nothing is worth getting out of His will and He sees the full picture of what our future holds and what's best for our lives. The next day we got an amazing contract! Now the packing process begins!

Trust Him with the details! Never hold anything too tightly and let your focus always remain on Jesus! He always does what's best for His children... but He also loves us enough to close doors that need to be closed. This story isn't over, and it could still go another way... I'm not saying there wouldn't be momentary disappointment but there will also be praise for His guidance every step of the way! Praise Him for the closed doors as well as the open ones. They are all leading us into His perfect will if you remain fully surrendered to Him!

Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Psalm 84:11 (KJV) For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. 

Psalm 37:4 (KJV) Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Acts 17:26 (NKJV) And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.


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